10.4.2015 G3 Symposium (Seminar room: Na Bojišti 3, Prague)

Organizers: 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University & Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion (ÚHKT)
The annual G3 Symposium is supported by the dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine Prof. Aleksi Šedo
8.45 Opening Ceremony of the G3 Symposium and introduction of the first speaker by Dr. Tomas Stopka
9.00-9.45 Prof. Frank Rosenbauer (http://campus.uni-muenster.de/4479.html ):
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Discussion is followed by coffee break.
10:00-10.10 Introduction of the speaker by Dr. Kateřina Machová Poláková
10.10-.10.55 Prof. Peter Valent (http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/haematology/index2.php?section=ma_valent) :
11:00-11.10 Introduction of the speaker by Dr. Tomas Stopka
11.10-11.55 Prof. Josef T. Prchal ( http://healthcare.utah.edu/fad/mddetail.php?physicianID=u0514137):
12-00- 12.30 Closing ceremony and Miniparty
Diamond sponsor:
Golden sponsor: